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Customize and configure your console with the tip of your finger.

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AURON: software:

AURON is working on DNR OS (DNR Operating System), a custom-built operating system designed specifically for D&R products, providing a robust and efficient embedded Linux environment.

Based on Buildroot, DNR OS is tailored to meet the unique needs of audio processing and broadcast equipment.



Key features and requirements:


  • Remote updating: Easily update the system software remotely to ensure your equipment is always up-to-date.


  • Splash logo at start-up: A custom splash logo appears during boot-up for a professional, branded experience.


  • Small footprint: Designed to use minimal system resources, ensuring smooth operation even on limited hardware.


  • Fast boot time: Optimized for quick start-up, getting your system up and running without delay.


  • Easy configuration: Customize the OS (Operating System) easily with a menu-driven interface for selecting and configuring packages.


  • Hardware compatibility: Currently supports Compute Module v3, with potential future support for CM4 for optional Stereo Tools processing.


  • Automatic process start: Automatically and orderly starts essential Auron processes, including the gateway, logger, address, and engine, ensuring reliable operation.




DNR OS (DNR Operating System) is engineered to provide a seamless, efficient, and customizable operating environment for D&R's high-performance audio products.

Quick links software:

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What is Linux

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AURON web interface

Seamless Control, Unmatched Sound

What is Linux:

Imagine your computer as a bustling office. Every document, program, and task represents the work being done in that office. But to keep everything running smoothly, you need an efficient manager, someone who makes sure that each task is done correctly, on time, and without any hiccups.

In the world of computers, Linux is that manager.



So, what is Linux?


Linux is an operating system, which is the core software that runs on your computer, smartphone, or even your home router. It’s responsible for managing all the hardware (like your processor, memory, and storage) and software (like your apps and programs), ensuring that they work together seamlessly.

Without an operating system, your computer wouldn’t know how to do anything, it’s like the office without a manager, where nothing gets done.




Why is Linux special?


Linux is known for being incredibly stable, secure, and flexible.

This is why Linux is often chosen to run everything from high-powered servers to everyday gadgets like smart TVs and even the system in your car.

One of the coolest things about Linux is that it’s open-source. This means that, unlike some other operating systems, its “blueprints” are available for anyone to see, use, and improve.

Imagine if the office manager shared their best practices with everyone in the world, allowing others to contribute new ideas and solutions. This community-driven approach means Linux is constantly being updated and improved by a global network of developers.




How does Linux work?


When you turn on your computer, Linux springs into action. It starts by checking all the hardware to make sure everything is in order.

Then, it launches the programs you need and keeps them running smoothly. Whether you’re editing a document, streaming a video, or browsing the web, Linux is the one making sure your computer handles these tasks efficiently.

And because Linux is so good at multitasking, it’s also the go-to choice for systems that need to be reliable 24/7, like servers that host websites or run critical business applications.





In a nutshell, Linux is the powerful, reliable, and secure software that quietly manages your technology, making sure everything runs just the way you need it to. Whether you realize it or not, Linux might already be making your digital world better, one smooth operation at a time.


AURON: web interface:

The AURON provides seamless integration of external audio sources through its intuitive web interface.

This guide will walk you through configuring external inputs, such as microphones, line inputs, and auxiliary sources, ensuring optimal performance and flexibility in your broadcast setup.





Step-by-Step Guide:






1. Access the AURON web interface:

  • Open your preferred web browser.

  • Enter the IP address of the AURON console in the address bar to access the control interface.

  • Log in with your credentials (if necessary).






2. Navigate to the AURON configuration:

  • In the middle of the metering screen, locate the "configure Auron" button.

  • Click on the button to view all the available configuration options.

  • In the left menu you will find all main options, as in the right menu you can dive further into these functions.






3. Configure your modules:

























      Source setup

  • Assign inputs: Choose from microphones, line inputs, USB, and more.

  • Adjust gain: Set the right levels for each input.

  • Label sources: Easily identify your inputs during live broadcasts.



  • Flexible signal paths: Route audio to different outputs or destinations.

  • Fader assignment: Control which inputs are connected to specific faders.

  • Crosspoint matrix: Visualize and manage your signal routing with ease.


      GPIO automation

  • Trigger events: Automate actions like muting or starting recordings.

  • Control external devices: Use GPIO to integrate external hardware, like signal lights or phone systems.


      Microphone settings

  • Gain and Phantom power: Adjust microphone levels and activate +48V phantom power when needed.

  • EQ control: Fine-tune your audio with built-in equalizers for high, mid, and low frequencies.


      Cleanfeed configuration

  • Mix-Minus setup: Prevent feedback for phone or VoIP guests.

  • Custom routing: Send cleanfeed to any output or fader for clear communication.


      Console customization

  • Fader and Output control: Adjust fader functions and output levels to match your needs.

  • User profiles: Save and recall custom settings for different operators.







4. Configure your Master:



















      Source configuration

  • Assign inputs: Select and manage various audio sources like microphones, line inputs, and external devices.

  • Customize gain: Adjust input levels for each source to ensure optimal sound quality.

  • Source labeling: Easily name and organize your sources for quick access during live broadcasts.


      Signal path setup

  • Routing paths: Define and control how audio flows through the console, from input to output.

  • Custom signal routing: Route audio to specific channels or faders, making complex signal management easy.

  • Quick adjustments: Change signal paths on the fly during live operations without interruption.


      Output management

  • Main outputs: Configure the primary outputs for your broadcast, such as program and auxiliary outputs.

  • Output level control: Set and fine-tune levels for each output channel to ensure consistent audio delivery.

  • Flexible output routing: Assign different audio paths to multiple destinations (e.g., recording devices, external systems).


      CRM (Control Room Monitor) configuration

  • Monitor source selection: Choose which audio feeds to monitor in the control room.

  • Volume and Mute controls: Easily adjust CRM volume levels and mute controls to avoid feedback or distractions.

  • Personal monitor mixes: Create custom monitor mixes for operators, allowing them to hear exactly what they need.


      Studio monitoring

  • Studio output management: Control the audio being sent to the studio for presenters or guests.

  • Talkback function: Set up and manage talkback between the control room and studio for seamless communication.

  • Custom studio mixes: Create personalized audio mixes for the studio environment, ensuring that on-air talent hears the right content at the right levels.







5. Console configuration:



















      Source settings

  • Source selection: Easily choose and assign different input sources like microphones, line inputs, or external audio devices to your faders.

  • Source labeling: Customize labels for each source for better organization and faster recognition during live broadcasts.


      Phantom power

  • +48V Phantom power: Enable or disable phantom power for condenser microphones that require it, directly through the web interface.


      Equalizer (EQ) settings

  • 3-Band EQ control: Adjust the high, mid, and low frequencies to shape the sound of each input channel to suit the voice or audio source.

  • Custom EQ profiles: Save preset EQ settings to apply them quickly across different modules or inputs.


      Gain control

  • Input Gain adjustment: Set and fine-tune the gain for each input source to ensure optimal levels and prevent distortion or signal loss.

  • Real-Time feedback: Monitor the effects of your gain settings in real time, allowing you to make precise adjustments as needed.


      Insert settings

  • External processing Integration: Configure insert points for connecting external audio processors (e.g., compressors, equalizers) to any channel.

  • Insert control: Toggle insert paths on or off for specific channels directly from the web interface.


      Auxiliary (Aux) send

  • Aux send routing: Configure aux sends for each input channel, allowing you to send specific audio signals to external effects, monitors, or sub-mixers.

  • Flexible control: Adjust aux levels for each channel individually to create custom mixes for monitoring or effects processing.


      Bus interlock settings

  • Bus interlock mode: Set up interlocking between buses to prevent accidental audio routing conflicts. For example, prevent two channels from sending to the same bus simultaneously to maintain clean signal routing.

  • Bus assignment: Define which faders or modules are linked to specific buses, ensuring a smooth workflow.


      Module menu

  • Module mode configuration: Customize each fader or module’s mode to fit your workflow, whether for voice, music, or effects channels.

  • Quick access features: Enable or disable quick functions like mute, solo, or talkback for each module directly from the module menu.


      Clip settings

  • Clipping alerts: Configure visual or audible clip indicators to prevent signal overload and distortion during live broadcasts.

  • Clip threshold: Adjust the sensitivity of clip detection, allowing you to define when and how clipping alerts are triggered.









6. System configurations:
























      Network settings

  • IP address management: Configure the console’s IP address (DHCP or static) to integrate with your network.

  • Port settings: Manage and set up network ports for remote access, data communication, and audio-over-IP functions.

  • Network status: Monitor network performance and diagnose issues through built-in network diagnostic tools.


      Log settings

  • System logs: Enable or review detailed logs for system activity, including errors, user actions, and audio performance.

  • Log management: Store, export, and review logs for troubleshooting or compliance, helping track the system's history.

  • Error notifications: Configure alerts and error reports for quick identification and resolution of any system issues.


      Miscellaneous (Misc) settings

  • Refresh window: Manually refresh the web interface window to ensure the most up-to-date system status is displayed.

  • Restart system: Remotely restart the AURON console directly through the web interface for quick troubleshooting or to apply updates.

  • Power down system: Safely power down the console remotely, ideal for managing the system after hours or during maintenance.


      Calibration settings

  • Fader calibration: Calibrate all faders to ensure smooth, precise control, allowing for accurate audio level management.

  • Meter calibration: Adjust and fine-tune audio meters to ensure accurate input and output level monitoring.

  • Output calibration: Set output levels to ensure consistent, distortion-free broadcasting and proper signal balance.

  • Hardware calibration: Test and calibrate buttons, encoders, and other hardware components to ensure optimal functionality and responsiveness.








7. GPIO configurations:
























      Trigger settings

  • Define triggers: Set up GPIO triggers that activate external devices or functions, such as turning on a signal light when a microphone fader is opened.

  • Custom trigger events: Create custom events based on specific actions, such as a fader movement, button press, or system state change.

  • Real-time control: Instantly activate or deactivate connected devices through the configured triggers.


      Mode configuration

  • Input mode: Configure GPIO ports as inputs to receive signals from external devices (e.g., tally lights, switches, sensors).

  • Output mode: Set GPIO ports to output mode, allowing the console to send signals to control external hardware, such as activating a relay or starting a recording.

  • Flexible mode assignment: Customize the mode for each GPIO port, giving you full control over how each input/output interacts with the broadcast console.


      Type settings

  • Pulse or latch: Choose between pulse (momentary) or latch (continuous) types for each GPIO trigger, based on how you want the external device to respond.

  • Level control: Adjust the signal level for each GPIO port to ensure compatibility with connected hardware.

  • Advanced customization: Define the behavior of each GPIO type to match the specific requirements of the devices you’re controlling, offering a highly flexible and customizable setup.








8. Metering:



















  • Quick link back to your metering screen.

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a customizable operating environment

AURON: API (Application Programming Interface):

The AURON offers advanced control and automation capabilities through its support for API integrations, such as Ember+ and WS-JSON.
These protocols enable seamless communication between the console and external software systems, allowing broadcasters to customize, automate, and extend the functionality of their AURON setup.

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Ember+ protocol integration

Ember+ (Evolving Media Broadcast) is a widely-used open standard protocol designed for remote control and automation of broadcast equipment.

By integrating Ember+ with the AURON, you can achieve full control of the console's settings and functions remotely.




Key features of Ember+ integration:


  1. Full console control:

    • Ember+ enables real-time control of AURON’s faders, input levels, and routing. Operators can adjust levels, mute channels, or modify signal routing remotely through a compatible Ember+ controller or software interface.

  2. Customizable signal routing:

    • With Ember+, you can dynamically route audio signals between different sources and destinations on the console. This allows for complex setups, such as automatically switching between different input sources based on preset conditions.

  3. Synchronization with broadcast systems:

    • Ember+ allows AURON to synchronize with other broadcast equipment, such as routers, audio processors, and video switchers. Through a unified control system, all devices can be controlled and monitored from a single interface.

  4. Remote management:

    • AURON can be monitored and managed from remote locations via Ember+, providing flexibility for off-site producers and engineers. Operators can adjust settings without physical access to the console.



Use cases for Ember+:


  • Automated broadcast workflows: Create preset broadcast workflows that automate fader movements, signal switching, and audio processing during live broadcasts.

  • Remote studio control: Manage multiple studio setups or remote broadcast locations from a central control room using Ember+ integration.

  • Custom interface development: Build custom user interfaces or control applications that interact with the AURON console via Ember+ for a tailored user experience.

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WS-JSON Protocol Integration

WS-JSON (WebSocket-JSON) is another protocol supported by the AURON, providing a flexible and lightweight communication interface through WebSockets using JSON data structures.

WS-JSON is ideal for real-time communication between the console and web-based applications or other external systems.




Key features of WS-JSON integration:


  1. Real-time control and feedback:

    • WS-JSON allows for instant, bi-directional communication between AURON and external applications. You can send control commands to the console and receive real-time feedback, such as fader positions, input levels, and other status indicators.

  2. Web-based application integration:

    • The WS-JSON protocol makes it easy to build custom web applications that interact with the AURON system. This allows for remote control interfaces accessible via any web browser, providing flexibility for broadcasters working in distributed environments.

  3. Streamlined communication:

    • By using WebSockets, WS-JSON ensures low-latency communication, ideal for live broadcast scenarios where timing is critical. Data exchanged through JSON is lightweight, making it efficient for real-time updates without heavy bandwidth consumption.

  4. Custom automation:

    • You can build custom automation systems using WS-JSON to trigger specific actions on the AURON console, such as adjusting audio levels, switching inputs, or starting recordings, based on external events or triggers from other systems.




Use cases for WS-JSON:


  • Remote web-based control panels: Develop browser-based control panels for remote producers or engineers to manage AURON’s input and output channels.

  • Real-time monitoring dashboards: Create real-time dashboards that display the status of the console, including live metering and error reporting, for quick oversight of ongoing broadcasts.

  • Third-party application Integration: Integrate AURON with third-party broadcast management systems, such as automation software, playlist schedulers, or logging systems, using WS-JSON to control the console remotely.

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